The Reason People Date
Welcome to the Hey Dad Podcast, where you join us at the table as we talk about the many questions of life.
OPENING QUESTION OF THE DAY - A billionaire offers to build you a vacation home anywhere in the world and pay for your flights there for life. Where would you put it?
How is dating typically treated in our culture
- Hobby/entertainment
- Perfectionist
- Key Idea: Relational beta testing.
- The romantic side is for the later phases of dating
- Listen to wise mentors (parents, etc.)
- Dating in groups in the early phase
- I always seem to attract drama to me- how can I avoid it?
- I’m in my late 20’s and am not dating anyone seriously, should I be freaking out?
- My wife (husband) and I are newly married and pretty broke- any date ideas that don’t cost a lot?